Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Gluten Free Fruit Blintzes - AKA: Breakfast bars

Its been an interesting few weeks in our household. 
We found out that Jesse has a gluten allergy. It’s interesting because procedure after procedure dealing with all things poo, the results were inconclusive.  We heard the words “Well that’s new” or “We’re not sure what’s wrong with you” a few too many times for our tastes.  Eventually though we figured it must be an allergy to something he eats on a daily basis, because his, um, “symptoms” never stopped. 
I won’t get too into the details because you do NOT want to know.  I hear you thanking me. You. Are. Welcome. 
At any rate, as the supportive girlfriend (and primary grocery shopper) that I am I proceeded to research what a gluten allergy meant.  I won’t get into those details here because 1- I’m sure you have a pretty good understanding yourself as an educated adult person and 2- I don’t want to misinform anyone from my own (occasional) confusion. 
Instead I will tell you that I cleaned out our whole kitchen of anything containing gluten with the exception of microwave popcorn which is my guilty pleasure and Jesse never cared for it that much anyway :) Then I looked up some new recipes to try.  I was really excited to give this my best go.  Anything I can do to help with my SO's health I'm on board for.
I found a few everyday recipes I’d been cooking could be easily converted to gluten free given the use of specific ingredients.  No problem.  Then I found a few that I could make ahead for breakfast that he could grab on his way into work without having to roll the dice at a drive through that claims to have gluten free products but are stored and cooked alongside gluten foods.  Sometimes it doesn’t get to him, sometimes it does, and that pain is not worth risking if not necessary.  
The first recipe I am going to share with you is one that he is absolutely CRAZY over.  They’re meant as breakfast food but he eats them as snacks all hours of the day.  I combined a few recipes that I found on the internet of similar dishes, this one is the one that works the best for me. 
It’s a variation on the breakfast Blintz. A blintz is basically a thin crepe that traditionally uses yeast. Normally, it is served with a creamy and sweet light cheese stuffing, and then fried up in a pan. Normal crepe toppings are piled on top.
Well, between Ina Garten and Betty Crocker and my need to use things in my pantry without actually having to go back to the grocer store… we have BAKED blintzes. So, you know, you can make a WHOLE PAN of this goodness to eat throughout the week.  Genius, no?
Like I said the man loves them and I do too because there are minimal dishes dirtied in the process, and noone really likes doing dishes.
Let’s get started.
Preheat your oven to 350.
First we need to make the batter- this might sound crazy, but make the batter in a blender.
Why, you ask. Easy mixing, pouring, and clean up. BOOM.
Let us begin by adding 1 1/4 cups of milk to the blender.
Yes I have a pink blender.  You have my permission to be jealous. 

And then add 1 t. of vanilla.  This is getting complicated now I know. 

Add 4 T of melted butter, then 4 eggs.

Now add 1 1/2 cups of gluten free Bisquick.

This stuff is my new best friend.  It makes finding things to cook now SO much easier than before I knew it existed. 
And 3 T. sugar.

Now, blend it.  ----- Feel free to do a little booty shaking at this time.  I always find it makes the blending process THAT much more fun. 
Now pour about half of the batter into a 9x13 greased pan, and bake for about 10 minutes. - I don't have any pictures of this, I'm a failure, I know. Don't hate me. 

This should be the consistency of a “really thin pancake” (props to whoever knows what movie that is from). 

While the really thin pancake is baking, you should be mixing up the filling.  I pour the remaining batter into the measuring cup to not have to dirty another dish (told ya I hate it). 

Then rinse out the blender and prepare for the filling! 

Throw about 8 ounces of cottage cheese into the blender with 3 ounces of softened cream cheese. 

You can do this without softening the cream cheese, but trust me its easier if you do. 

Then add 3 T of sugar and about ½ T of vanilla.  Blend all of this until smooth.

Now for the awesome part. 


Back-story: We were traveling home from Cumberland lake one fine afternoon when we stopped at the most adorable roadside stand and picked up some preserves.  Only the best preserves I’ve ever had the pleasure of tasting. 

Before this day I was following another recipe that had me frying up berries in a pan with sugar and making my own fruit sauce.  It rarely turned out perfectly and always made a HUGE mess in my kitchen. No bueno.

So when we had this wonderful little jar, I thought to myself “Self, wouldn’t this be way easier to add to the breakfast blintz that trying to cook up your own blueberries?” Indeed it was.  Always trust your instincts J


-- Back to the recipe --

Once the cheeses are blended add 1 ½ cups of fruit preserves, whatever your fancy is.  In this example I used cherry (yum yum).  Blend until smooth.  Feel free to taste a sample or 5 before going to the next step.  You’re going to want to I promise. 

Bring over your really thin pancake and spread the cheese/fruit mixture on top. 

No I like to stick this in the fridge for a few minutes to allow the filling to set a little quicker.  Its OK if you don’t do this, it just doesn’t turn out as cleanly layered if you go straight into the top layer right away. 

Once the filling is set, pour the remaining batter on top and stick back in the over for about 30 minutes or until the top layer is fluffy and springs like a cake.   -----  Again, no picture... I hear you yelling... I said I twas sorry! Gesh : )

Now all you have to do is let it cool then slice and enjoy.  I keep the additional squares in a baggie in the fridge until the Mr. gets a chance to hit them up. 

They stay pretty well for about a week.  I don’t like to push them longer than that.  That’s just my own paranoia though.  I don’t want to accidentally poison my boyfriend.  I know, I’m weird J