Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Me and My Big Ideas

Nobody ever told me adulthood was fun. All I ever heard was college is the best years of your life. Don't get me wrong, I had a blast (and in some cases a blast and a half) I traveled, skipped class, slept in, quit jobs on a day's notice, went to bars on a Tuesday nights, and wore super short mini skirts with leg warmers, you know, all that stuff you can't do as an adult (unless you don't care about being taken seriously, of course). I wouldn't change a thing about it, but I also don't want to repeat it. The only thing I think I'd like to hang on to is that early 20's metabolism. Not that I'm saying I'm old or anything, and I'm willing to believe that is 30 years or so my opinions might change. I'll have that "things not to miss out on" conversation with a child of my own. But right now, I'm fully digging on being a big girl.

Please allow me to introduce myself. I’m a closet perfectionist with a quick wit and a terrible sense of direction. A student of media communication (and an eternal enthusiast) I often use quotes and references from pop culture to get points across. I am more often than not sarcastic and if I watch too much Tosh.0 my jokes tend border on sexist. Am I'm O.K. with that. Jesse (my boyfriend) once said that Women are inherently better at Men at some things, and Men better than Women at others, so to call us purely equal is a bit counter-intuitive. Realistically, Men can't give birth, and Women can't pull of a 5 o'clock shadow and still be sexy. Instead mutual respect and support for each other is more realistic. I like his take on that, if that makes me anti-feminist then I'm O.K. with that too. I'm a realist at heart. As your stereotypical red-head I am known to be more stubborn than I should be, and patience runs thin. Anyone who knows me knows that they shouldn't tell me I can't do something unless they want to see me stomp off and do it just to prove that I can. This applies to all heavy lifting that a woman my size has no business doing, as well as *almost* single handily creating and piloting a successful campus wide fund-raising and PR program. I've been told that once I set my mind to something I attack it with a Chuck Norris like intensity. I take that as a compliment. Sure, sometimes it might get done "wrong". For example, I have a book case that's held together with mail glue and duct tape, because I couldn't find the nails. But all be damned if it isn't done. For the most part though, I'm pretty level headed and rational. I can usually keep my neuroses in check. But when I'm pushed too hard, I push back. Jesse calls it letting the Red out. It doesn't come out often, but when it does he knows to be on hand with a coke and some form of chocolate covered peanut butter treat. Its the Mr. Hyde version's kryptonite.

In the last two years, I've earned my master's degree, began my career in the corporate world, and bought a house with the love of my life. We're property owners now... who knew? Right now, my life is pretty friggin' sweet! That's not to say it doesn't involve a lot of work to maintain and balance. But that's part of the fun isn't it? I'm not just talking about housework. Home upkeep is just a small portion (although, for the life of me I'll never understand how 2 people use as many dishes as we do). Balancing work and home life, relationships (both personal and professional) and every once in a while get to sit and enjoy the moments. Jesse and I always seems to have time to sit together on the couch and watch whatever TV show we've gotten into on Netflix (my favorite wind-down tool). Again, I'm not delusional enough to think that wont change at some point, life throws stuff at us that will make us re-arrange our priorities. But I also believe that we are a good enough team to figure those out when they come as well. All and all the only thing I really miss about the "good old college days" is the writing (I never thought I'd say that). That's why I started this blog. I don't know if I'll love it or think of it like a chore, but that's pretty common with most of the things I get myself into. Just another one of my big ideas.

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