Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Penny Lane is in my ears and in my Eyes

When we first moved into our house, Jesse was working 2nd shift. I hardly saw him at all during the week. By the time he got home I was already in bed. I'm not complaining - I know gotta do what you gotta do, and having a job was pretty important at this particular juncture (being that we just bought a house). I was however, a little nervous - I had lived with my parents all my life up until this point, and rarely was ever alone in the house. So Jesse wanted to make me feel safe when I spent most evenings alone (isn't he a great guy) so we talked for a while about getting a dog. We went over all the pros and cons, time, budget, etc, and he did all his due diligence research (as per the norm). He knew everything there was out there about raising a puppy - literally everything. He would at times be on a forum on his laptop, and simultaneously look up another webpage on his iPhone (no joke). I had almost given up hope on getting a puppy (he seemed so against it, we both worked full time bla bla bla) when one morning I was making breakfast and he said "you wanna get a dog today?". I thought he was kidding - but he had been in touch with a man in Felicity, Ohio about a Boston Terrier female puppy, and he said its mine if I wanted it. Um, duh! So we went out on the craziest trip ever to pick up this dog. We were in my mustang (which historically gets TERRIBLE traction in snow and slush) in the middle of a bilzzard in December to a place 2 hours away we had no clue how to get to. In retrospect, probably not the best timing we ever had, but it was all worth it when we got to the breeder. He handed me this tiny fur-ball of a dog and she immediately climbed up into my neck.

That was it - I was sold. Jesse likes to tell people how he intended on haggling on the price a little with the breeder, but once he saw my face over this little cutie - that was all she wrote :) We named her Penny Lane (partly after the Big Bang Theory - one of our favorite shows, and the more obvious part after the Beatles song). She's our little fury friend, and sure brings some comic relief to our household. For those of you thinking "she said they both worked full time, how can she take care of the puppy during the day?" don't fret - we don't keep her locked up all day. Quite the opposite actually. My Mom, so generously offered to dog sit during the day while I'm at work. She said it works out pretty good because she also baby-sits my Cousin's daughter who LOVES to play with Penny. So never fear - the dog is more than well taken care of :)

I'm not the only one whose heart this dog melted... Jesse fell hook line and sinker to her snuggling....

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